Grants for Families

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There are many charities, grants, and trusts available who can support individuals with the additional costs that living with a disability brings.  FOP Friends is not a grant-making charity and is not able to offer financial support to individuals or families.  However, we have compiled a list of some sources of funding as a starting point for people.

Please take some time to check the eligibility for the grant before you apply.  You may also need to apply to more than one funder in order to secure the money required.

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You are strongly advised to check the suitability of these sites before you provide any personal, medical, or financial information.

The Harold & Elaine Kaplan Quality of L.I.F.E Awards

This Award is the only grant that is available exclusively to those living with FOP.  It is available to those living in the UK.  It is granted by a committee, facilitated by the IFOPA.  Anyone with a confirmed diagnosis is welcome to apply.  There are two application cycles per year.

Every person with FOP is entitled to a grant of $1,800, with the recipient deciding if they want to use the grant all at once, or in smaller increments across a number of years.

For more information about what the L.I.F.E Award can be used for, and how to apply, visit the IFOPA’s website: Living Independently with Full Equality.